The Meaning of Life

The meaning of life is not as difficult as you have been told.  It's not a mystery.  It's staring at you all the your mirror.

It's your happiness.

Finding ways to be happier.  Living your life as you want to live it.  Doing things you like to do.  Having experiences you want to have.  Obtaining items you want to use.

Creating, producing, consuming, sharing, discussing, caring and loving all contribute to you being happier.

The meaning of life is not looking outside yourself.  Far from it.

Some people mistakenly call this being selfish.  They call looking inward and focusing on yourself...selfish.  That the meaning of life is focusing on others, doing for others and maybe even you suffering.

I think that is a totally foolish way of thinking.

Even when you objectively view someone whose life appears to be about doing for others, if you look deeper, the person is, in reality, selfishly doing for others to bring happiness to them self.

What the Meaning of Life Isn't

Thinking that the meaning of life is something outside yourself is what "they" would want you to believe.  It makes it easier for "them" to subjugate and enslave you.

Your subjugation, misery and enslavement makes "them" happy. 

Well adjusted people don't want to do this.  More normal people find it sickening and degrading to treat others poorly.

But the reality is that to some people, creating misery in others makes them feel powerful, in control and happy.  Making others  less makes them more.

This comes from the top, the bottom and the middle.

This trickles down from the top to the rest of us.

We use judging, condemnation, competition, humiliation, degradation, subjugation are all methods of keeping others down.  In comparison, the ones doing this are better. 

I think it's evident that modern, rational, kind, decent people are starting to reject this method of being happy.  The world is incrementally getting better.

However, we have not figured out a way to totally eliminate this old way of thinking.  It still permeates the culture.  And with any permeated cultural norm, it is difficult to change quickly.

It doesn't help that our rulers are constantly scheming up new ways to keep us down.

These methods and thinking process have been in place since the beginning.

I find it easier to reject these methods in my own little world.  Focusing on my happiness and what I can do for myself and the people closest to me.

I let the world do what it does.  I am encouraged by the progress.  But not surprised that the old ways still seem to dominate.

The world spinning is it's way of shrugging off the old ways.  It only spins so fast though.  It will take time.

In the meanwhile you can avoid buying into a sick system.

You don't have to bow down to anyone.

You don't even have to worry about anyone else.

You matter.

Meaning of life from Bold & Determined

How to Be the Light

Favorite quote -

Belief will not only save you, belief will create you. I've said it a thousand times, you create yourself as you wish to be, but you must do it. Nobody will create yourself for you. The light of another can show you the path but you will have to turn on your own light to truly be able to see this simple reality: belief is the light of life, so just believe and then achieve.

Focus on Yourself

The meaning of life is not outside yourself.  It is what you do and your happiness and satisfaction in doing what you do.

If you're unhappy or dissatisfied with some element of your life, that is the key pointing you toward what you need to change.

This implies you don't tolerate bad behavior from others.  It also implies you don't compromise very much.

It certainly implies that misery caused by other people or poor circumstances is something you need to expend massive effort to getting those people and those circumstances behind you.

The distance from bad people and time away from them...permanently...will give you a chance to heal and rebuild.

The methods for doing this are already in place.  You just have to use them.

There are Good methods available

  • Divorce
  • Leaving
  • Breaking up
  • Quitting a bad job
  • Running away
  • Moving
  • Bankruptcy
  • Foreclosure
  • Not paying
  • Not answering the phone
  • Not letting people into your home
  • Changing your phone number

You have to be willing to do whatever it takes to make your life better.  Your happiness is everything.

› Meaning of Life

The only way I could become the happier man I am today was by leaving my wife.  You might be in the same situation I was in.  I suggest you take a look at my book - Leave Your Wife & Become a Happier Man with the 3 Step System.

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A nice follow on..... 
Was reading Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics yesterday (Nicomachean Ethics 1097a 30-34) and he said (essentially) that the end goal to which we should direct …

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