You might need some weight training motivation to go ahead and get started and continue to do it.
Even when you start to realize weight training is one of the
best things you could do for yourself. There are many reasons you may not want to weight train.
It is blasted hard.
It takes a lot of effort and time.
You will be tired and sore. At times you will be in pain.
You will certainly not feel that good some of the time.
Not weight training is much easier than training. Most of us would rather just lay around and loaf.
But, if you can actually start and stick with it, the rewards can be enormous. Life changing. Your confidence goes up the stronger and more muscular you get. Your ability to deal with other life challenges is improved. You will look better and age better.
Seeing My Dad So Weak and Frail in The Last Year of His Life
I think of how weak my dad was in the last year of his life. I will always wonder if he would have gone into the illness that killed him stronger, he might not have suffered so much or even lived a bit longer.
was so incredibly weak. Doing anything...getting out of chair, out of
bed, getting off the toilet, shuffling to the bathroom...all took a
monumental effort on his part and made his life difficult beyond belief.
This was heartbreaking to me. My dad was a man of high energy and vitality most of his life. But he did not ever weight train so at the end of his life he was just reduced to an extremely difficult and limited life.
You don't want this for your life. You want to remain vigorous and strong and robust up until you breathe your last breath. Weight training will help you.
From Starting Strength -
Older Men Need to Lift - Dr. Coleman Story
Favorite quote -
Dr. Coleman joined the gym as a frail older man, never walking with the aggressive, confident stride of a fit person, and never assuming the positions of sitting, standing back up, or getting in and out of the car without carefully and deliberately measuring his position. He left the gym many years later a still-frail even-older man.
Most Men Look Terrible
Most men look pretty bad without lifting and I do not want to look like that. Thin men look terrible to me. Fat men with no big muscles to go along with some excess fat look absolutely horrible in addition to being at an enormous health risk.
The skinny fat look is almost comical in how bad a man can look. Thin necks, thin arms, tiny shoulders, a rounded back, flat butts, sunken chests, and thin legs matched with a paunchy, flabby belly make men look like ugly aliens.
Do yourself the best favor you can and weight train hard enough, with enough intensity and perseverance to look like a man.
Big, Strong, Powerful Men are Not as Much of a Target
I want to be big and strong so nobody messes with me and for the most part, nobody has.
When you're big and strong, you are rarely the target of a crime and know that if anyone does mess with you, you can absorb some punishment like before turning the tables on your oppressor and dealing out a beating.
Look at Arnold getting kicked by some punk and just absorbing it like it was nothing.
I love just being able to do for myself, moving heavy stuff around for example.
You don't have to call on real men to do something difficult, you are the real man who can do for yourself.
It's Challenging
Part of the joy in life is overcoming challenges. Mental challenges and physical challenges.
Grinding out the last rep or 2 of a heavy set. Going up in weight week after week. Doing one one more set. Making it the gym another day when you don't really feel like it and getting in a productive workout.
Reviewing your workout log and seeing the enormous gains in the poundage's you lift over time.
Feeling how much larger your muscles become after consistently training and seeing the proof in the mirror.
Women Love Big, Strong, Muscular Men
Women like muscles on men. This has helped me quite a bit over the years. Muscular men are considered handsome even if they really aren't. They have a masculine, manly, powerful appearance.
When you're big and strong you can just have more fun with the ladies. Picking them up, twirling them around when dancing and picking them up and putting them on your lap.
The Great Feeling You Have While You Are Weight Training
I like how I feel while lifting and the pump for the hours afterward. I like the challenge of lifting heavy or doing more than last time.
Here is some really inspired training to get you motivated.
You Can Control What You Do By Yourself
I like that I can control the elements of lifting to try to avoid getting injured. I have hurt myself lifting several times over the years. But nobody is trying to take out my knees like in football, or throwing at my head or or taunting me to try to do some type of athletic activity that will probably injure me.
Weight training is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
Use these ideas to help your weight training motivation and develop ways to keep weight training. Make it something you do. You are a weight training guy, getting stronger, getting more muscular and living a great life.
The only way I could become the happier man I am today was by leaving my wife. You might be in the same situation I was in. I suggest you take a look at my book - Leave Your Wife & Become a Happier Man with the 3 Step System.
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