Non masculine men seem to go out of their way to do everything wrong.
It's instructive to know what not to do.
It's simpler to stop doing things rather than to start doing things.
Simpler, but not easy, as being non-masculine is a terribly hard habit
for some men to break.
But, just as you can break most bad habits with attention, focus and persistence, you can break the non-masculine habit too.
And you can break whatever bad that is not working for you
Habits like eating junk food, smoking, drinking or drugs
Relationships, even marriages
But, let's start with avoiding some of the easier non-masculine traits to see where you are going wrong. You're probably in a bad job, with bad habits and a bad relationship because you are too non-masculine.
Traits of Non Masculine Men that you Should Avoid
How You Speak
Talking in a high voice. I'm not sure why men feel the need to talk high.
Talking too fast.
Talking too much.
Over agreeing with everyone, especially women. You have an opinion don't you? An easy way to disagree without seeming overly harsh is to say...I'm not sure about that.
Saying yes too much or too soon. An easy way to start to say no more often is to say...I will have to check on that. This gives you some time to think about it.
How You Look
Being skinny or skinny-fat. Get weight training and eat plenty of meat. Don't run quite so much, even if you love running. Running tends to get you hurt over the long term anyway.
Being fat and flabby. Being
fat without huge muscles. This is worse for your health than being skinny, of course. There is nothing
worse than being fat and flabby. You need to build some muscles along
with the extra pounds. If you have a big belly, your back needs to be
Being pale. The sun is free and is your friend. Get in the sun long enough to get a bit of color. Not burned, of course.
Being clean shaven all the time. It's so simple to fix this in a few days, but so many men don't. It's sad.
Feminine hair. Long hair or buns or fancy styles is for the girls. Masculine keep to simple cuts, usually quite short.
non-masculine clothes and shoes. Do not look for advice from gay men
and from women trying to disqualify you. Why else would men be wearing such ugly clothes now? Wear good looking masculine
clothes like big boots, comfortably loose pants and jeans, v-necked t-shirts, button down shirts with the top buttons left open, leather jackets.
Great example of doing everything wrong. Wearing a man bun. Wearing glasses. Goofy looking socks. Baggy, ugly sweatpants. Extremely ugly t-shirt. Doesn't look like he does any weight training.
How You Act
Doing things you don't want to do. Quit doing all this and your life automatically gets better.
Bending over backwards to please other people. The only person you need to please is you.
The more easy-going and "sure, honey, whatever you want" a man is, the
more likely his wife or girlfriend will be to say, "he's a wonderful
husband and father and I really love him, but I don't find him sexy.
Frankly, sex has never been great with him, even from the beginning, but
I married him anyway.
Simple Things Non Masculine Men Can Do to Immediately Start Looking More Masculine
Get a tight haircut
Grow your facial hair
Wear boots
Wear contact lenses
Don't wear ugly t-shirts
Wear collared type shirts and keep the top buttons open
Wear nicer jeans that are not too tight.
You can see that these few changes will not take you very long and you can start looking more masculine almost immediately.
Hard Things Non Masculine Men Can Do to Start to Make Massive Improvements in Their Lives
Weight train. Big muscles are the key to an overall masculine look.
Non masculine men spend most of their money on other people. Continually bending over backwards to try to please un-pleasable people and going broke in the process.
Masculine men spend more of the money that they earn on things for themselves. Things that make them happy or make their lives better in some way.
Things like
Nice clothes
Good boots
Information to make their lives better
Good food
Meals out
Fitness club membership dues
High-speed Internet connection
Rent for a nice place in a great location
Vehicles, gas and vehicle maintenance
Drinks out
Internet dating site access
Fun of any kind
Actually Start Doing More Masculine Activities
Wrap Up on Non Masculine Men
Masculine men instinctively know to stop doing what is not
working for them. Their focus is on their abundance, success and
When something is not working right, they evaluate it, determine what they need to start doing or stop doing and then act
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