Masculine male posture will help you look more like a man, strong, healthy, attractive and sexy in addition to making you feel better.
But once your posture has deteriorated over time, it will be extremely difficult to get back. So you need to get going on making improvements sooner, rather than later.
You may have to be satisfied with just improving the terrible posture you have now to something a little better, more masculine looking and better for your overall health.
Upright of course.
Standing up straight with your shoulders back, chest up and head centered over your body.
Sitting up straight too.
But just barking at men to sit up straight or stand up straight will not create the masculine male posture that men respect and women look for in men.
These cues may help a tiny bit when you're younger before years of neglect and abuse. But much more is needed once you have severely deteriorated posture. This is a multi-faceted problem.
And a multi-faceted problem needs to be attacked from many directions.
Just stupidly saying to sit up straight or visualize a string from your head upward is kind of fairly tale nonsense.
You need better guidance.
The head forward of your body, kind of looking like a turtle is a classic bad posture look.
Another is when your the palms of your hands face backwards when you stand or walk rather than facing towards your body.
Being unable to sit up straight without slouching.
Standing with your belly dropped, your shoulders hunched and your back rounded.
Sitting with your shoulders drooping forward instead of pushed back into the chair.
Many times, these horrible get combined, making you look just terrible.
It isn't just poor habits and laziness, although those don't help.
One of the worst contributors is poor eyesight. You cannot see the computer screen or what you're looking at on your desk or phone, and you move your head forward to see. You'll notice that people who do not have desk jobs, usually don't get the head forward terrible posture so severely.
With so many glued to their phones and not doing any weight training, there are millions of men with terrible posture.
Car accidents and neck injuries can wreak havoc with neck, back and spine. Non-supportive beds and cheap, non-supportive furniture can be a big problem too.
A lack of back strength and weak neck muscles make it almost impossible to keep your head in the correct position.
Low self-confidence and having to deal with verbally abusive people can also wreck your posture. Think of how you have to try to shrink up from a cruel person screaming at you.
It isn't just laziness or lack of mindfulness.
You need to do multiple things over a period of time to make improvements.
If the problem is spine related, you may need chiropractic adjustments. Many times if you are in pain, this is one of the better methods to deal with this.
You need to start an intelligent weight training program and emphasize developing your back with exercises like deadlifts and bent rows along with overall movements like squats and over head presses.
Better Barbell Bent Row Movement from Athlean-X
There are some great technique ideas, the first being to do the movement in a rack, with bar a little below the to avoid too much pressure on your low back.
Do some simple things too
These are all the simple ideas you usually hear. And they're good if you have dealt with bigger problems of spine injuries, weak muscles and poor eyesight.
I hope you can start to recognize the posture problems you have and start working on making improvements.
Don't just try to stand up straight using mental cues if you are not weight training and/or have some significant injuries or incorrect vision. Those big problems will overwhelm the mental cues.
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