Happier Thinking & How to Get the Big Parts of Life Handled

Happier thinking requires that you get the main elements of your life "right."  If you make progress in getting these big elements of your life under your control, your chance of a great life skyrocket.

If one or more of the big elements are seriously amiss, you have no real chance at a great life. 

The more of the pieces that are out of place, the worse your life will get.

And if all 3 are no good, you will have a miserable life.

3 main pieces in your life to get right

  1. Your Income Source
  2. How You Feel
  3. Your Main Relationships

There are massive numbers of people with one or more of these big ticket items seriously out of place.

Do you think you can be happy if you

  • Can barely pay your bills
  • Are overwhelmed with debt
  • Have no cash or savings
  • Dread going to work
  • Are overwhelmed with problems at work
  • Do not feel valued by your employer
  • Work with toxic people
  • Eat huge quantities of junk food
  • Are addicted to legal or illegal drugs
  • Do not sleep well
  • Are very out of shape
  • Treat others poorly
  • Are being abused
  • In physical or emotional pain
  • Are depressed about life
  • Never have any fun

All this is happening when there should not be that much to be worried about or any real reason to be depressed.  All the serious problems of the past have been mostly solved in large parts of the world - sanitation, clean water, childhood diseases, slavery, massive land wars, slow transportation and inefficient communication.

We do have this current coronavirus to worry about now, but this will pass, just like every other problem.

It was not that long ago, that all these problems could easily kill you.  Maybe the problem is that we don't appreciate these advances as much as we should.

Maybe you should spend some time reflecting on how much easier and better your life is now versus not that long ago.

So, After You Get Yourself in a Grateful State of Mind, What Should You Do

It makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over.  No sense.

You want to focus on what you can control.  Your income source.  Your health.  Your main relationships.  Your happiness.

It also makes no sense to worry about little things when the big things are wrong.

The problems of the big things will overwhelm what little progress you might make on the little things.

In fact the only people who make progress on solving little problems, have the 3 big area of life, thoroughly solved.  They can now work on the little things.

Most people hopelessly worry about little things with no chance of solving them.  These people are drawn into these endless struggles by others.  We are force fed a steady diet of news and information, or really misinformation,  designed to do just that.

All these things that we are told we should worry about have nothing to do with us, have no bearing on us, will not help us in any way, will not increase our happiness, or decrease our problems.

Spending any time thinking about this or trying to do something is just an enormous waste of time. 

It makes our live worse.

Which is the real goal of them.

What you want to focus on is what YOU can do to help YOUR life.  The more your life improves, the more you can help the people closest to you.  The better their lives, the more they can help the people closest to them.

That is the ripple effect that works.

So, get busy on your life and make progress on the main 3 things.

Happier Thinking and Your Income Source

I have been working full time since 1990.  So 30 years.  It has not all been bad.  But it has not all been good either.

I suffered and struggled at work.

Extreme boredom.  Extreme stress. Being micromanaged.  Being yelled at.  Being ridiculed.  Being scorned.  Being laid off.  Being blamed.  Being criticized.

Now, I don't put up with any of that.  But then, yes, I did.  I needed to work.  I needed the money.  I still do.  But with a better attitude, I don't need to deal with any of that guff.

I used to think that if I could just make enough money, everything would be fine.  I would make f u money.  I could walk away.

But, making that kind of money is not that easy.  Even the people who make the most money in the world still keep working.  It seems no amount of money is enough to say f u.  Until you are too old.

Happier Thinking from Quartz

The Strongest Predictor of a Man's Happiness

Favorite quote -

The strongest predictor of men’s happiness and well-being is their job satisfaction.

The richest people in the world are extremely old yet they refuse to stop working, trying to make more.

It's sad isn't it?

So, you need to work and keep working.  The longer you work the more likely you will eliminate all the problems that old age brings. 

I have quite a few articles on working and your career:

Happier Thinking and How You Feel

Yes, you need to earn your keep by working even if you don't feel well.  Usually when you have a fever, are coughing, sneezing and with a very runny nose you should not be at work getting other people sick.  Also, if you are vomiting or have a lot of diarrhea, that is the time to stay home.

What I mean is when you are not contagious, you work.  When you are contagious, you don't go to work.

Millions of people go to work each day not feeling well.

But it's better to feel good than feel bad.  So, work on getting well.

It's better to be healthy, than not.

It's better to sleep well and plenty, eat plenty of meat, weight train, have low stress and do all kinds of things you want to do without too many limitations because you are limited.

You may want to explore working from home.  This seems to be a very good option for getting through wintertime flu season, avoiding ill co-workers and minimizing you getting others sick.

I just worked from home the last 2 days.  This was the first time I have ever worked from home.  Of course, I spend huge amounts of my free time working on my websites and writing at home, so this is the next logical step.

But I am embracing working from home.  You should too.  You can avoid a lot of the contagiousness that working in close proximity brings.

Some of the main happier thinking things you can do to start feeling better

  • Eat a lot more red meat than you do now.  In spite of what we are told, it appears that red meat is the healthiest thing we can eat and should focus our diet around that.
  • Get some sun.  Again, in spite of what we are told, getting in the sun long enough to get some color as often as possible seems to increase our health.  Get some sun in the wintertime too.  Whenever it is sunny in the winter, I try to get outside, out of the wind and expose some of my body to the sun.  My head, maybe my arms, or legs or chest.  Just enough so I don't get cold.
  • Take some naps each week.  There is some evidence that 2 or 3 naps a week at opportune times to keep you fully recharge you really help.
  • Weight train.  Being stronger than you are now, especially if you are quite weak will go a long way to making you feel better.  But, weight train in a manner to avoid getting exhausted.  Do less volume.
  • Find ways to minimize stress and worry.  Do what you can to make improvements to your life and don't worry about the world.
  • Get on TRT
  • Get plenty of quality sleep meaning not getting up at night and at least 8 hours a night

Happier Thinking from Fast Company

Why 6 Hours of Sleep is Not Enough

Favorite quote -

Subjects in a lab-based sleep study who were allowed to get only six hours of sleep a night for two weeks straight functioned as poorly as those who were forced to stay awake for two days straight.

Happier Thinking and Your Relationships

If your wife is making you unhappy today, staying with her longer will only make this worse.  A bad job is not nearly as terrible as a bad wife, because you are at least getting paid.

But a bad wife can ruin your life like nothing else.

Bad things get worse.  They don't get better with time.

Bad relationships don't improve, they only get worse.

Happier thinking includes not sticking your head in the sand and hoping a bad situation will resolve itself without you doing something about it.

The only improvement will be in ending it.  Then getting the pain and bad memories firmly in the past while you spend the present making good memories and not being in pain.

I saved this for last, but it is the most important.  None of the happier man lifestyle would be possible if I had not left my wife.  None.

When I was with her, the thought of my own happiness was the farthest thing from my mind.  I just wanted to survive a little longer to try to make sure my kids were ok, but for me I just wanted to die young.

I wrote the book on changing your mind from being a verbally abused, whipped, broken down, broke man wanting to die young.to a becoming extremely happy, in charge of his life and looking forward to the future man - Leave Your Wife & Become a Happier Man with the 3 Step System.

Happier Thinking Wrap Up

Me, happier thinking about how great my life is

A great life is sitting there for you, if you go after it persistently and relentlessly.

As long as you believe you deserve it and it starts with happier thinking about the 3 main things.

If what you are doing today  regarding the big three is not making you happy, it will magnify into extreme unhappiness and misery for the future you.

› Happier Thinking

The only way I could become the happier man I am today was by leaving my wife.  You might be in the same situation I was in.  I suggest you take a look at my book - Leave Your Wife & Become a Happier Man with the 3 Step System.

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