Happier at 55

I'm very happy.  I thought I'd share happier at 55 with you on my 55th birthday.

I cannot believe how much happier I am now.  I spent most of my life being unhappy. 

Being happy is better.

I've not been afraid to keep making changes in my life until I get more of what I want.  I am continuing to do so. 

Your life is too important not to do what makes the most sense to you.

Happier at 55 - The List

Me. 55 years old and extremely happy

1. Get up early and drink coffee in a comfortable chair and read or watch videos on your laptop computer.  Stay in comfortable clothes and enjoy this nice time for yourself before you have to get ready and rush off to work.

2.  Drink black coffee most of the time rather than having to be stocked up on creamers.  Avoid the sugared and processed additions (poisons) to your coffee.  It's healthier and easier.

3.  Have plenty of comfortable places to sit in your home.  I have a big recliner, a reclining couch, a comfortable chair with a foot stool and padded dinette chairs.

4.  Buy a very comfortable bed.  Sleeping well, all night long, for the right number of hours for you is the key to your health and feeling good.

5.  Buy nice, higher thread-count sheets.

 6.  Do your laundry more often so you always have your favorite clothes available to wear.  Get rid of uncomfortable clothes and periodically buy new clothes that fit you well, that you feel good in and that you love.

7.  Buy plenty of comfortable shoes for all the types of situations you find yourself in.  There is no way to get by with just a few pairs of shoes.  Throw your shoes away or get them fixed as soon as they start to hurt your feet.

8.  Eat more meat.  You may be severely undernourished with your protein intake.

9.  Stay home from work if you are sick.  You will feel better faster if you get more rest and take it easy.  Your co-workers will thank you for not exposing them too.

10. Plan some long weekend retreats scattered throughout the year to recharge and have an extra day or two to enjoy yourself.

Happier at 55

11. Rent a nice apartment rather than buying a house.  It is so much simpler and less expensive.

12. Buy a bigger, more comfortable vehicle for your safety and comfort.  I cannot understand the fascination with driving a small, unsafe, inconvenient vehicle.  Do you all have death wishes?

13. Find some ways to cut your spending.  This works best with things you pay each month.  Everyone wants to sell you monthly subscriptions of whatever kind.  You need to be vigilant to avoid all this.

14. Put some money in the bank every month for your future needs and desires. 

15. Keep some extra cash in your vehicle for emergency fuel.

16. Keep some extra cash hidden in your wallet for just in case reasons.

17. Keep a fairly large amount of cash hidden in your home for emergencies.

18. Chunk down your debts with larger payments with the goal of becoming debt free.

19. Don't have too many children.  Two is the maximum in today's world. 

Happier at 55

20. Raise your children to be more responsible. 

21. Show your children how a happy man lives his life.

22. Chain your errands to save time.

23. Always look for ways to save time so you can sit around with your feet up and enjoy life.

24. Don't be afraid to change jobs.  I know it's hard and a ton of work.  I know you lose some of the advantages you've gained.  But if you are not enjoying what you do 40 or more hours a week, you have to.  I'm sorry.

25. Don't be afraid to move. 

26. Understand that when you make a big change, like changing jobs or moving, you will be stressed, tired and maybe exhausted.  Take time to relax and recharge.

27. Be kind to yourself...always.

28. Say you love yourself.  Look in the mirror and say "I love you."

29. Never be critical of yourself.

Happier at 55 from Huffington Post -

50 Things To Do At Least Once When You're Over 50

30. Be a little early for everything you do. 

31. But it's okay to be late sometimes.

32. Don't worry about what other people might think.

33. Don't worry about politics.

34. Don't worry about world events.

35. Be nice and friendly to people.

Happier at 55

36. Say hi to more people.  Maybe even everyone.

37. You don't have to be right in every conversation.  And you don't have to dominate the conversation.  Take turns.

38. Get up and leave situations that are not right for you.

39. Always be ready to escape a bad situation.

40. Weight train intensely, but briefly and infrequently.

41. Keep in touch with your old friends.

42. Make new friends.

43. Be friendly and outgoing with everyone.

Happier at 55

Me. Happy and having fun with a few drinks at a big tailgate party

44. Enjoy you life.  You may need to drink a little to loosen up.

45. Cut way back on eating all junk food.

46. Eat quite a bit more beef than what "they" say is the right amount.  You will find that the more steaks, roasts and ground beef you eat a week, the flatter your belly will become and the better you will feel.

47. Take care of your teeth.  This is an expense that is well worth it.

48. Don't be afraid of testosterone replacement therapy.  It may be exactly what you need.

49. Say yes to things and experiences outside of your comfort zone.

50. Drive around looking at something new.

51. Get more active than you are now.

52. If you have a serious health condition causing you pain, constant discomfort or that is mentally draining, take action in treating it.

53. Keep texting, calling and seeing your adult children, even if they are too busy.  Make sure they know how much you love them and want the best for them.

54. Sleep enough at night and take naps as often as necessary.  There is some evidence that 2 naps a week will reduce your risk of heart attacks and strokes.

55. Keep making whatever changes are necessary for you to be happy.  If you are frustrated with something...stop doing it.  If what you are doing is making you miserable...stop doing it.  If you want to do something...do it.

› Happier at 55

The only way I could become the happier man I am today was by leaving my wife.  You might be in the same situation I was in.  I suggest you take a look at my book - Leave Your Wife & Become a Happier Man with the 3 Step System.

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