Happy Holidays. I have some thoughts of gratitude for Christmas 2021.
Expressing gratitude is an action that is best used continuously. But it is especially good during the holidays.
Gratitude is a nice emotion. It gives you a good feeling. It can give others a good feeling. So use it. Express gratitude often enough to keep these good feelings and healthy emotions going in your life.
It does not cost anything to express gratitude, unless you give it in the form of a present to others.
It usually is just a bit of time.
I would call this time extremely well spent because it makes you feel so good.
And feeling good, feeling happy, feeling gratitude for whatever is going on in your life helps this cycle of happiness going. It does not have to stop...as long as you keep it going.
Think of the opposite.
If you are upset, frustrated, unhappy and not knowing what to do about this, how can you feel good?
You can't.
If you do not have this feeling of gratitude in your life on a consistent basis it means your life is seriously out of alignment with what you desire. You have a serious problem that needs your immediate attention and potentially enormous amounts of action to correct
The normal feeling you have should be one of happiness and an ease about expressing gratitude in your life. If you don't have this, something is wrong.
I write what I am grateful for down in my Success Journal that I keep in my Planner Book.
Every few weeks I devote a page in my Planner Book to what I am grateful for since the last time I did this.
I call this - "Recent Good Things List."
I just look back over my calendar, my journal entries and my memory for the time period from today back to the date I made my last Recent Good Things List.
This is an extremely pleasant time for me. I usually do this at the end of the week at my favorite coffee shop. I love to spend a late afternoon at a coffee shop on either a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. I do this as part of my thinking, writing and planning my future.
Some other good gratitude ideas from Steve Pavlina -
Writing things down, especially what you are grateful for, reinforces these good feelings. It is difficult to feel bad, when you are spending time reflecting on and writing down good things in your life.
The end of the year is the perfect time to go even farther with the gratitude for Christmas 2021.
Take some time to think about your overall life and the good things you are grateful for. The overarching things that make up your normal recent good things list.
Start writing down what you are grateful for. Your happiness and contentment will go up.
The only way I could become the happier man I am today was by leaving my wife. You might be in the same situation I was in. I suggest you take a look at my book - Leave Your Wife & Become a Happier Man with the 3 Step System.
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