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A Happier Man, Issue #116--Masculine Male Back
March 19, 2018

Issue # 116

Masculine Male Back

A big, thick, wide, muscular masculine male back is quite impressive. You look powerful because you are powerful. You can do more. It gives you the good kind of muscle weight. The kind that makes you hard to push around. Just sitting around normally, it gives you presence. It takes up a lot of space.

I have been training the heck out of my back lately and it shows. It's thicker and wider than ever.

I've had a good back for quite awhile, but now it feels like a big, thick oak door behind me.

I feel stronger and more powerful than ever. And I am in my 50's.

I wish I had known some of the exercise techniques I have learned lately. I think my back would have really blown up when I was younger.

Read the rest of the article here - Masculine Male Back

If you missed the last article, you can see it here - I Am Selfish
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